You must be a subscribing member to access the Wishlist located in the dropdown under M1911 Solutions on the menu bar.
As a subscriber, you may submit your Wish List to me. All information you submit is confidential and will not be visible to other members or shared. It does, however, provide me necessary information to help you acquire the pieces you want or need.
You may elect to provide specific information on the template provided about your collection and indicate items you wish to acquire, and what you are willing to pay or trade to acquire those items.
You must be realistic. It is unreasonable to expect anyone to sell a nice, blued Colt, a Singer or a 1st logo Remington Rand for $1500 or trade it for a 3rd logo Remington Rand in 99% condition. There are instructions to help you complete and submit your Wishlist to me.
There is also a Wishlist area in your member profile. However, that information is not submitted to me. It simply is in your profile. Your member profile is not public. It is only viewable by you and me. It remains confidential and is not shared. I do not regularly view member profiles, unless contacted by you and directed to do so.
Networking has proven to be a valuable resource in acquiring many pieces shown in the Gallery, which includes rare sub-variations and consecutive numbered pistols. Should you choose to provide specific details of your collection and elect to seek my assistance, I will attempt to help participating Subscribers acquire pieces to achieve their collecting goals by providing information about pistols and revolvers I have inspected. I cannot provide information providing to the originality of any item I have not personally inspected.
Choose to be a part of the M1911 network that works for you. Submit your Wish List today.
Please Contact me with any questions.